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A term used among friends. Mostly. But there are really several meanings, all depending. Idiot or fool is a common way to think of it, but among brothers and buddies, it's used in friendship.
For your Grandma - she may give you "the look".
1. Hey Pendejo. It's been a while. How's the family?
2. That pendejo parked too close to me. I can't get in my car.
3. Pendejo! You know the tides will strand the truck.
4. Don't be a pendejo - save some for me.
5. Nomas Pendejeando - just messing around.
6. Those are some smart pendejos coming up with a name like Dos Pendejos Spice Company.
And if you can't tell ... don't call someone you don't know a pendejo.
There are other uses too. It depends on geography.
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About our Products
Manufactured to the highest standards, our seasonings are produced by specialty manufacturers.
Ingredients are on the labels.
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There is a limited warranty on this product. Please contact us.
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We value your privacy, and will not sell or otherwise make available your contact or payment information.
We may contact you from time to time with special offers, new products, or news, and of course, you can always ask to be removed from any future mailings.
If you go into a Grocery Store, Meat Market, or if you go online to the eBay or the Amazon you will find all types of Rubs. There is Fajita Rub, Brisket Rub, Chicken Rub, Rib Rub, Steak Rub, Pork Rub, Butt Rub, 956 Rub and Even a Chupacabra Rub. There is a Rub for every cut of meat imaginable.
This is where Dos Pendejos Spice Co started 5 years ago at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in San Antonio, Texas. While discussing different BBQ Cookoffs, and different cooking techniques, we noticed that the one meat, devoured by more people than any other anywhere, has no Rub for it. We started out with "Weenie Rub" and formed Dos Pendejos Spice Company.
The Original Weenie rub, and all the others got a lot of laughs, and a lot of compliments, and more and more stores carried us. The Dos Pendejos brand and Facebook has grown way more than we expected. Our branding has evolved too, and our market research told us that it takes one Brave Pendejo to ask the store clerk "Hey - where is the Weenie Rub?".
After all these years, we've done away with Weenie Rub except on some aprons and hats, and use Dos Pendejos across the product line.
Now, you can go into a store and say "Got Dos Pendejos?" and some clerks and butchers will say "Look around - we got lots of Pendejos!", or, they will say "Yeah - over next to the meat counter; try the Mooey Texas on our ribeyes!"
So welcome to Dos Pendejos Spice Company.
Dos Pendejos! The name brings out the smiles.
It is great on Fajitas, Brisket, Ribs, Steaks, Pork Chops, Chicken, Guac, Posole, Salmon, Shrimp, Fruit, ... All sorts of things. Hotdogs too.
Just a sprinkle...shake... or a good rub, and watch the flavors explode in your mouth.
Next time you are in your grocery store or meat market, ask the manager or the butcher "Got Dos Pendejos?". If they look at you funny tell them to check out and if they say something funny ... you gotta share it on the social media.
Dos Pendejos is our company name and brand. We have a trademark on Dos Pendejos and others and are building our brand with your help and support.
We truly hope our Dos Pendejos seasonings will make your next cookout more enjoyable!
Dos Pendejos Spice Company LLC
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Your customers might could use some Dos Pendejos.
Dos Pendejos Spice Company LLC
(210) 842-0703
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